Friday, February 27, 2009


"Every man's life ends the same way.
It is only the details of how he lived and
how he died that distinguish one man from another."

Ernest Hemingway

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, songs I sing!

Marilyn Monroe

Exactly one year ago today, I cautiously began a little blog entitled songs I sing. In fact, if it hadn't been for the continual encouragement of my sister Sarah, I might never have been brave enough to have begun at all.
And I would never have known just
how much I would have missed out on.

Songs I sing is more to me than just a blog. It is the one place where I am able to combine all of my passions, the place where I can scribble down anything and everything that has touched my life or meant something to me; where I can share my love of classic movies and black & white pictures and not have someone think I'm crazy; where I can pause at the end of a long day and remember all of the many bits of beauty scattered throughout. It has brought joy to my life in so many ways.

It's been a wild and bumpy ride at times, but ever so fun.

Thank you for making me feel like my writing might actually mean something, however small and unimportant it may really be. You have touched me more than I can say.

Thank you for listening to the simple stories of my life and sharing with me those special moments of your own. You continually inspire me.

After 365 days and 179 posts...I'm still here. Writing, reminiscing, spreading a little classic's to another year hopefully filled with the same!

Happy Birthday,
Songs I Sing!!

Help us celebrate! Grab a piece of cake,
mingle with our fabulous guests, and reminisce!

Shirley Temple

Betty Grable, Harry James & Victoria Elizabeth

Marlon Brando & Aunt June Beachley
Dean Martin, Shirley MacLaine, Elvis Presley

Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Natalie Wood

Be Mine, Valentine ?

Friday, February 6, 2009


James Dean

"Only the gentle are ever really strong."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One of Those Days...

The day is winding to a close, and a crisp, small, fingernail of a moon is rising in our evening sky. The dark silhouettes of trees stand out against the velvety grey expanse; clouds--small and translucent--are smeared across its face in liberal strokes.

I usually revel in the simplicity of such beauty...but not tonight. Today has been one of those days.

My braces were tightened yesterday and my head feels exactly like a watermelon rind must feel as it is cracked wide open. My orthodontist can never seem to understand how much pain I really am in. Every time I have my braces tightened I seriously contemplate asking to have them removed. I wish that I could make my orthodontist understand that some people experience more than just "discomfort." I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to wear braces to straighten out my stubborn teeth, but it is frustrating to have people brush away the pain you are experiencing. I'm usually knocked out for at least a week and I'm lucky if I find myself crying only...say...ten times a day. ☺

*sigh* The day is almost gone and I've found that I've accomplished hardly anything at all. I'm still a bit too foggy with pain to enjoy much of anything, but I suppose I'll drag the small tv that my uncle passed on to us into my bedroom, plump up my pillows, and watch (another) classic film.

But there's always hope. Tomorrow is another day, right?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


"I'd like to be remembered as a guy who tried--who tried to be part of his times, tried to help people communicate with one another, tried to find some decency in his own life, tried to extend himself as a human being. Someone who isn't complacent, who doesn't cop out."

Paul Newman