I'm sorry my posts have been sporadic once again. This time, though, it's actually not my fault. I can't tell you how many times I've actually written something & was prepared to post it...only to find that Blogger somehow squashes everything together in an odd, unreadable sort of way or eats every word except the odd sentence or two.
I can see everything I've written on the regular "new post" screen, but when I switch to preview it or actually do go ahead & post it, everything has completely disappeared. *sigh* I can't tell you how frustrating that is.
I try to save my post & go back & try to fix it, but that hasn't been working. After struggling with trying to post the same thing ten times over, I must confess, I give up & erase it altogether. If you'd typed & re-typed that same post that many times, I think you'd be sick of your own writing, too.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I'm still here.