Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cary Grant...

"Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant."


  1. Emme, how glad I am that you started a blog! I love seeing all the old pictures and quotes you put up.

    How Cary Grant can contrive to be so silly and at the same time so flat-out cool, I couldn't say. He's just great.

  2. I love Cary Grant. I really like your blog and I love the black and white pictures.

  3. Thank you, Clare and Kaila for your sweet comments! : ) I've never had a blog before, but I do love to write, and it's so nice to hear that someone ACTUALLY likes my blog! :P

    Thanks again!

  4. How fun! Come to think of it... I wouldn't mind being Cary Grant either!

  5. It is kind of scary how much we are alike Emme! :) I had seen your Etsy shop on S&S and then I was reading Pleasant View Schoolhouse and saw your avatar and had to stop by (I didn't know that it was you lol). I've been reading through your blog and I must say it is wonderful! :)

    P.S. Who DOESN'T love Cary Grant? :D Favorite film?

  6. Thank you so much, Amelia!

    I can't tell you how many times in the last few days I've stumbled across a blog, only to realize that it's written by one of the Sensibility forum girls! It's so much fun just to happen to *find* them!

    We do seem alike! I'd love to learn more about you. :)

    Hmmm...favorite Cary Grant movie? Now that's a hard one! To catch a thief? North by Northwest? Charade?

    (You're right, though! It beats me how anyone could help liking him)

    Thanks again for your sweet comments. You've brightened my day! :)


  7. Oh thank you! I just saw Charade and liked it very much. I was surprised by the humor (for some weird reason I thought it was a Hitchcock film lol). I loved the costumes and I think it showed off Audrey's acting beautifully (ex matches in the telephone booth).

  8. That's too funny! My sister and I BOTH thought it was a Hitchcock film the first time we saw it, also. : ) It really is a funny movie in a weird sort of way, and (in my opinion) showcases Audrey's talents very well.

    Mmmm! I love the costumes in this movie. Don't they make you want to purchase a whole new wardrobe?


  9. Cary Grant is one of the best actors ever! Anytime I find a movie with him in it, I have to watch it. My favorites are (to name just a few) Charade, The Philadelphia Story, Mr. Blandings Build His Dream House, and Bringing Up Baby, but there are lots more that I like.

    It is really neat that we enjoy so many of the same movies. I saw On The Waterfront for the first time last year and it's become a favorite with me, too! :)I think we watched it twice in just two days!

  10. Father Goose! We just love Father Goose with Cary Grant in it. Cary Grant stuck on an island with one woman and seven little girls.

    Another Hitchcock-Grant film is Suspicion, which also stars Joan Fontaine. We really enjoyed that one.

  11. How neat, Mandy! I loved all of the Cary Grant movies that you mentioned, too. Bringing up Baby is so funny. :)


  12. Father Goose is one of my sister Elizabeth's favorite movies! I thought Cary Grant was just great in it, but I'm not a big Leslie Caron fan...

    I loved Joan Fontaine in Suspicion, but, suprisingly, wasn't too thrilled with Cary!

