Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fashion Flops...

Here are a few funny vintage fashions I wouldn't want to be caught in! Whether done purely in fun, as a sign of the fashion of the times, or just an over-the-top still makes you think twice about what you decide to put on for the day!
Anne Francis

I love quirky vintage photos, but this one is just a
little too strange for my taste.
I don't know why, but it seems just a bit creepy to me to have a
pair of live birds sitting on your earrings.

Whoever came up with the idea for this photo session, shot right past that cute mark
in my opinion. And what's up with her bangs??

Lucille Ball

Lucille looks glamorous, but what's with the wrap...and dare I say muff?
How big can you get? I think after wearing this for an
hour or two you'd have a serious neck ache...not
to even mention the people running away in fright down the sidewalk.

Now tell me the truth. If you saw that sashaying down the sidewalk, wouldn't you be frightened??


Coat on...

Coat off.

Why would she take off the coat but leave that hideous hat
(dare I call it that) on her head?
It just isn't flattering.

Jobyna Ralston

Being a curly-haired girl myself, I can only
wonder why they didn't tell this poor girl that she
should never brush her hair.
The hat does nothing to de-emphasize the fact that she looks
as if she just stuck her finger in a lightsocket.

I'm feeling you, sister, I'm feeling you.


  1. anne francis' earrings aside...what is up with that top she is wearing?

  2. Tee hee... thanks for sharing, Emily! Too fun.

    Ralston's hair is a little on the wild side, but that outfit is really cute.

    Ann-Margret's outfit is hideous. My brothers would give me no peace if I undertook to wear such a hat. The coat and dress are also on the scary side.

    The shoes are cute, though!

  3. Great pictures even though they were also kinda silly!

    I have curly hair too and NEVER brush it. But I do comb it sometimes (like before washing it)....

  4. haha! It's great to look back in time and have a laugh at the fashions sometimes. Like looking back at family pictures from the 80s with all the girls wearing frizzy perms and coats with huge shoulder pads. I like the girl's hairstyle in the picture with the bird earrings, though. But not the earrings....

  5. Too funny! Especially the earrings-with-birdies. You're right; that's just weird. :D

  6. Well every generation has their dirty laundry. lol.
    I'm sat in my college library and I must have looked like a mad woman when I was laughing at those pics.
    I like your blog.
    You should come to my miniture flat, I have Audrey Hepburn mania. Roman Holiday is a good film isn't it?

  7. HA HA HA HA! That's hilarious! I can sympathize with frizzy hair myself. I like Audrey Hepburn, too (for her pretty clothes).
