Sunday, January 11, 2009

A New Semester...

College classes begin again tomorrow. As much as I love going...I must admit, I'm nervous. I know it's silly of me. I know that I shouldn't allow myself to behave in this way, but a whole fleet of butterflies have taken up lodging in the near vicinity of my stomach, and no matter what I do or say...they simply won't behave! Ornery little beasts...

I'm not really nervous about the coursework. I have one semester under my belt so far, and I know that I can handle it. The truth is I absolutely hate walking into the classroom the very first day (, several weeks ☺) by myself. Not knowing anyone, not knowing if the instructors will be fair, or harsh, or simply loveable. It pushes me to step out of my happy little bubble, and I'm not quite thrilled about that. I'm used to being surrounded by my family; used to having Sarah or Mama nearby to step in for me if I can't quite manage to say what I mean because my everlasting shyness has once again crept up behind me and stolen every single thought out of my head when I wasn't looking.

But, as nervous as I am, deep down I know that once I get back into the swing of things...I'll simply love that I'm back in school. I know I will.

Now I just need to learn to listen to myself. And somehow, find a remedy for a bad case of crazy butterfly stomach.


  1. Good Luck! Don't worry it will be the best semester ever...I checked my crystal ball this morning!

  2. I was exactly the same at Uni! Every new semester I'd get nervous, but it was always fine in the end :-) I'm sure you'll do just fine, but I empathise!


  3. I found your blog through Laura's

    and I TOTALLY understand the whole college stress thing. I'm in my second year and I STILL feel the same way the first week of classes!!!

    Good Luck Girl!

  4. I hope your first week of class is going wonderfully, Emily!

  5. Emily, you are such a sweet, thoughtful soul. I know exactly how you feel about starting school, as I'm shy myself, but I'm sure you will end up loving it just as you said. I always really enjoyed college, it's an exciting time of life. Have a great week!

