Exactly one year ago today, I cautiously began a little blog entitled songs I sing. In fact, if it hadn't been for the continual encouragement of my sister Sarah, I might never have been brave enough to have begun at all.
And I would never have known just
how much I would have missed out on.
Songs I sing is more to me than just a blog. It is the one place where I am able to combine all of my passions, the place where I can scribble down anything and everything that has touched my life or meant something to me; where I can share my love of classic movies and black & white pictures and not have someone think I'm crazy; where I can pause at the end of a long day and remember all of the many bits of beauty scattered throughout. It has brought joy to my life in so many ways.
It's been a wild and bumpy ride at times, but ever so fun.
Thank you for making me feel like my writing might actually mean something, however small and unimportant it may really be. You have touched me more than I can say.
Thank you for listening to the simple stories of my life and sharing with me those special moments of your own. You continually inspire me.
After 365 days and 179 posts...I'm still here. Writing, reminiscing, spreading a little classic love...here's to another year hopefully filled with the same!
After 365 days and 179 posts...I'm still here. Writing, reminiscing, spreading a little classic love...here's to another year hopefully filled with the same!
Happy Birthday,
Songs I Sing!!
Help us celebrate! Grab a piece of cake,
Help us celebrate! Grab a piece of cake,
mingle with our fabulous guests, and reminisce!

Betty Grable, Harry James & Victoria Elizabeth

Happy Birthday, dahling!! I have loved reading your blog so much ~ and loved getting to know you even more. Here's to many more years to your wonderful blog!!
This guest, also, comes to the party with gratitude for the time and the beauty you've poured into Songs I Sing. Reserve me a piece of next year's birthday cake!
Dearest Emme,
Happy, Happy Birthday to "Songs I Sing!!!"
I always LOVE visiting your blog and I am so happy that we found each other out in blog land!! ;) It is a JOY to know someone who shares in my passion for old movies as well!
3 big cheers for you Emme
you great blog!!
Love Always,
GREAT pics...in this post love the one of Shirley Temple!! ;)
Happy Birthday! Great blog, I really enjoyed reading your posts over the past few months and I'm looking forward to many more...
Happy happy day! Your blog has inspired me tremendously. May the years to come be even more so.
I have to admit, Emily, I think a compilation of each and every one of your blog posts would make an exquisite book. :) I would be an avid reader!
I am so glad you stuck it out. Your quiet little corner of blogland is one of my favorite places. I like quiet corners.
I know I don't always comment but I do always read.
Happy Birthday-- I'm so happy for your presence in the blogosphere. I tagged your blog for an award.
Hurrah, hurrah! Happy birthday! Thank you so much, Emily, for your blog and all the joy it brings to my day. God bless and keep you, dear friend!
Oh Emily . . . I so sorry to hear that you are going through a painful loss as well. :( :( *HUGS* The ache is so bad . . I miss him everywhere I look. Especially while taking care of Abby, his widow. I'm so used to seeing both of them . . .
To remembering happy memories,
Happy birthday to a lovely blog!! Your posts are always so encouraging :)
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