The lovely Elise was kind enough to present two blog awards to me! Thank you so much, dear, for your thoughtfulness and can't know how much it means to me.
I can never seem to remember who has awarded whom,
so if I forget to mention your name...know that I love you just the same!

The rules are: thank the person who gave you the award,
then pass the award on to ten other people,
and let them know they have been awarded.
Thank you so much, Emme! I'm honored to receive these awards from you.
I'm guessing most of my favorite bloggers have received them already, so I'll not risk double-posting.
I'm truly honored and touched!!
Thank You!!!!
I look forward to posting about in the near future..... ;)
Many Blessings,
Miss Jen
Thank you Emme!!! You're so sweet! I've been away from blogger way too long. . . I think you've inspired me! :)
You are too sweet my dear!! And you very much deserve the award - your posts are always delightful in every way!!
Thanks so much!! :)
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