What adds the finishing touch to that perfect vintage ensemble? Shoes, of course! Whether you're looking for a shoe that's glamorous, smart, elegant, or well-worn...we've got a sampling of them all here!
Take a peek!









Cute, cute, cute!
Being a normal guy, I don't have the inborn attraction to shoes as most women I know. But I can understand that some are definitely more attractive than others.
The pair of shoes from 1943 at bottom actually looks like a pair I still wear when mowing the yard. Did you steal them from me?
Those 1948 ones toward the bottom of your post are so beautiful-- with the straps over the toes and the little bow! I would love to own those!
And to find this post the very same day the heel came off of my very favorite pair of shoes! Oh, to have one pair of each kind of the shoes you posted!! They are soooooo adorable!
Emily! How could you? There's nothing worse than seeing vintage shoes! :) Of all things vintage, shoes are my favorite, especially, the eras here.
My favorite of these, though, is by far #2. Mmmmmm.... I'm in love:)
Ah, saddle shoes...aren't they the cutest things? My younger sisters both have them and I just got a pair for Christmas. Being brand new leather they're stiff as anything and it's going to take a little while for me to 'break them in.' :)
Love this post . . .
Oh my, what fabulous vintage shoes. I love the pics. Great eye candy. I'm a true fan.
Ohhh the second pair are my faves! I have shoes similar looking...
Oh beloved shoes! From any decade, they are my favorite accessory!!
Totally adorable!!
Oooo! I love them!
(Hello! Here from abannerofcrimson, but I know you from actuallylaura!)
Half of these look like they came right out of my grandma's trunk of photographs! Those plaid ones look insanely comfortable. Hehe - I love how they match the skirt! ;D
I love this little expose on shoes!!
just what i need today...gorgeous!!
Oh my! You always have the most wonderful photos! And I would give half my kingdom to have that pair in picture #7, from 1948. Be still, my heart!
Hmm, I'll take the ones form 1948 if you please!
*Smiles*... *Laughs*
Great shoe post! ;)
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